• What are the requirements for dogs to attend daycare?

    All dogs must be spayed or neutered by 1 year of age to help prevent unwanted behaviors and maintain safety with the other dogs.

  • "Something came up and I need to cancel daycare for the day."

    Unplanned events happen, and we understand. Please give us notice as early as possible. Same-day cancellations, please contact us by 7:30 AM so that we may open a temporary spot to our wait list.

  • "I'm new to All Things Pawssible and I would like to set my dog up for service."

    First complete our new customer registration form. You can also request a date and time to schedule your assessment with one of our canine care staff members. Asessments are required for new and returning customers who have had a gap in service for 6 months or more.

  • "Does my dog have to have an assessment?"

    Asessments are required for both new and returning customers who have had a gap in service for 6 months or more.